all postcodes in MK18 / BUCKINGHAM

find any address or company within the MK18 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK18 4EG 1 51.931237 -1.035992
MK18 4EH 0 51.930301 -1.038063
MK18 4EJ 0 51.930473 -1.038292
MK18 4EL 0 51.929708 -1.040528
MK18 4EN 0 51.929479 -1.040902
MK18 4EP 1 51.932065 -1.035058
MK18 4EY 0 51.93305 -1.033452
MK18 4EQ 0 51.931141 -1.036445
MK18 4ER 0 51.932712 -1.035097
MK18 4ES 0 51.933048 -1.034354
MK18 4ET 0 51.934853 -1.034149
MK18 4EU 2 51.933943 -1.034844
MK18 4EW 0 51.924372 -1.043245
MK18 4EX 0 51.933839 -1.034235
MK18 4EZ 0 51.932448 -1.035632
MK18 4HA 0 51.937672 -1.046832
MK18 4HB 0 51.975203 -1.043726
MK18 4HE 0 51.933921 -1.033317
MK18 4HF 1 51.980407 -1.025848
MK18 4HJ 0 51.981126 -1.009747