all postcodes in MK1 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK1 1JN 3 3 52.009902 -0.724889
MK1 1JP 1 1 52.009299 -0.724927
MK1 1JQ 5 4 52.004737 -0.719637
MK1 1JW 1 1 52.009738 -0.725628
MK1 1LG 33 27 52.012396 -0.725168
MK1 1LH 5 2 52.009924 -0.729528
MK1 1LJ 6 5 52.010133 -0.728714
MK1 1LS 11 9 52.008061 -0.717612
MK1 1LZ 1 1 52.00728 -0.727781
MK1 1NE 58 0 52.009576 -0.740655
MK1 1NF 57 0 52.009576 -0.740655
MK1 1NG 57 0 52.009945 -0.741518
MK1 1NL 13 8 52.00786 -0.737366
MK1 1NN 1 0 52.008138 -0.738204
MK1 1NQ 59 0 52.009945 -0.741518
MK1 1NW 6 5 52.009027 -0.740475
MK1 1PA 1 1 52.007405 -0.721091
MK1 1PB 1 1 52.004981 -0.736355
MK1 1PT 9 9 52.008366 -0.725865
MK1 1QB 4 4 52.005378 -0.729001