all postcodes in MK1 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK1 1QT 2 1 52.009488 -0.728179
MK1 1QU 12 9 52.003985 -0.722274
MK1 1QY 1 1 52.008781 -0.728511
MK1 1RB 11 7 52.008249 -0.741677
MK1 1RD 14 8 52.002479 -0.720234
MK1 1RE 1 1 52.003673 -0.72087
MK1 1RH 7 6 52.002172 -0.730062
MK1 1SF 7 7 52.009875 -0.720708
MK1 1SU 14 13 52.00104 -0.735257
MK1 1TJ 1 1 52.007401 -0.719022
MK1 1UA 1 1 52.012663 -0.725895
MK1 1XL 1 1 52.009581 -0.723535
MK1 1XT 1 1 52.003831 -0.73563
MK1 1YL 1 1 52.004991 -0.718187
MK1 1ZQ 1 1 52.004991 -0.718187
MK1 1ZR 1 1 52.012589 -0.726451
MK1 1DH 6 4 52.001631 -0.736726
MK1 1DN 8 6 52.002602 -0.730886
MK1 1AX 2 1 52.006439 -0.73724
MK1 1WU 1 1 52.004991 -0.718187