all postcodes in MK3 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK3 6BE 15 0 51.994595 -0.755655
MK3 6BG 20 0 51.991865 -0.756881
MK3 6BH 1 1 51.996038 -0.755221
MK3 6BJ 12 1 51.993507 -0.742183
MK3 6BL 28 0 51.993637 -0.743418
MK3 6BN 16 1 51.994526 -0.742388
MK3 6BP 13 0 51.995065 -0.74747
MK3 6BS 17 0 51.996052 -0.748098
MK3 6BT 17 0 51.996626 -0.747966
MK3 6BU 39 0 51.995612 -0.749873
MK3 6BX 25 0 51.995942 -0.748771
MK3 6BY 32 0 51.994165 -0.747321
MK3 6BZ 17 0 51.994605 -0.748168
MK3 6DA 10 0 51.99388 -0.74845
MK3 6DB 33 0 51.99437 -0.749718
MK3 6DD 23 1 51.993293 -0.750739
MK3 6DE 20 0 51.99368 -0.750844
MK3 6DG 1 1 51.993611 -0.75188
MK3 6DH 1 1 51.993923 -0.742419
MK3 6DJ 24 0 51.995514 -0.745725