all postcodes in MK3 / MILTON KEYNES

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK3 6DP 42 40 52.001588 -0.740203
MK3 6DQ 7 0 51.992456 -0.752408
MK3 6DR 2 2 51.994082 -0.739539
MK3 6DS 3 2 51.994461 -0.737096
MK3 6DZ 1 1 51.994741 -0.736454
MK3 6EB 15 10 51.997312 -0.743061
MK3 6EJ 12 0 51.993187 -0.746693
MK3 6EN 10 7 51.997414 -0.747638
MK3 6EW 10 3 51.998475 -0.75109
MK3 6EZ 19 2 51.991821 -0.753532
MK3 6HA 13 0 51.992654 -0.754077
MK3 6HB 4 0 51.993957 -0.753211
MK3 6HD 25 0 51.994516 -0.751622
MK3 6HE 30 0 51.995223 -0.753889
MK3 6HF 24 0 51.995891 -0.753303
MK3 6HG 14 0 51.996471 -0.754568
MK3 6HP 6 0 51.996867 -0.746124
MK3 6HR 33 0 51.997183 -0.744542
MK3 6HS 21 0 51.998643 -0.744865
MK3 6HT 9 0 51.997726 -0.744017