all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 3EW 5 0 52.140224 -0.450532
MK40 3GB 23 0 52.142663 -0.452771
MK40 3GD 9 0 52.142347 -0.452635
MK40 3HD 51 22 52.137168 -0.46506
MK40 3HU 2 2 52.138373 -0.464091
MK40 3HP 12 3 52.137568 -0.463994
MK40 3HR 6 5 52.137247 -0.464896
MK40 3HS 13 6 52.137399 -0.465221
MK40 3HY 3 3 52.138251 -0.466075
MK40 3HZ 9 9 52.138025 -0.464577
MK40 3JA 30 0 52.13777 -0.462234
MK40 3JB 21 7 52.137511 -0.463105
MK40 3JD 4 0 52.137445 -0.46356
MK40 3JG 31 14 52.138786 -0.462944
MK40 3JJ 31 20 52.13808 -0.461858
MK40 3JN 40 1 52.138706 -0.460915
MK40 3JP 11 0 52.137876 -0.460023
MK40 3JR 26 11 52.137385 -0.461692
MK40 3JT 17 3 52.138786 -0.462944
MK40 3JW 35 0 52.137795 -0.460742