all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 3JY 20 19 52.139412 -0.462002
MK40 3LE 1 1 52.138311 -0.46166
MK40 3LH 20 3 52.139586 -0.460198
MK40 3NB 3 0 52.139631 -0.456032
MK40 3ND 28 1 52.139826 -0.454418
MK40 3NE 22 1 52.140172 -0.456174
MK40 3NF 39 8 52.140094 -0.460517
MK40 3NG 1 1 52.139925 -0.46137
MK40 3NH 1 1 52.139444 -0.461664
MK40 3NR 39 0 52.137199 -0.461187
MK40 3NT 4 3 52.135653 -0.464674
MK40 3NU 2 2 52.136661 -0.464515
MK40 3NX 10 0 52.13583 -0.462388
MK40 3NZ 17 0 52.135493 -0.462093
MK40 3PA 6 0 52.135056 -0.461626
MK40 3PB 15 0 52.135059 -0.46053
MK40 3PD 36 1 52.135071 -0.459375
MK40 3PE 35 0 52.134814 -0.456915
MK40 3PF 1 1 52.134254 -0.454655
MK40 3PG 56 0 52.136129 -0.457088