all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 3SQ 32 0 52.138422 -0.449557
MK40 3SR 11 0 52.138582 -0.452868
MK40 3SS 15 1 52.138478 -0.451747
MK40 3ST 6 0 52.13855 -0.451116
MK40 3SU 2 0 52.138677 -0.450213
MK40 3SW 10 0 52.137655 -0.450738
MK40 3SX 21 0 52.139307 -0.450966
MK40 3SY 30 1 52.139571 -0.450744
MK40 3SZ 32 0 52.138253 -0.450352
MK40 3TA 37 0 52.136555 -0.449782
MK40 3TB 32 1 52.13657 -0.450279
MK40 3TD 15 0 52.135647 -0.449814
MK40 3TE 8 0 52.135697 -0.450893
MK40 3TF 9 0 52.135736 -0.451812
MK40 3TG 33 0 52.136633 -0.450649
MK40 3TH 25 1 52.13807 -0.451512
MK40 3TJ 33 1 52.139406 -0.451919
MK40 3TL 6 0 52.14369 -0.457478
MK40 3TN 1 1 52.13805 -0.465804
MK40 3TP 9 0 52.13331 -0.447776