all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 3RP 1 1 52.136165 -0.4637
MK40 3RQ 23 1 52.137895 -0.453228
MK40 3RS 9 1 52.137226 -0.452243
MK40 3RT 23 9 52.137279 -0.45154
MK40 3RU 11 1 52.137314 -0.450779
MK40 3RW 43 0 52.138793 -0.457274
MK40 3RX 4 1 52.137464 -0.449897
MK40 3RY 26 0 52.136723 -0.4489
MK40 3RZ 4 0 52.135557 -0.448458
MK40 3SA 22 0 52.134304 -0.448195
MK40 3SB 29 0 52.134246 -0.447174
MK40 3SD 19 0 52.134879 -0.446787
MK40 3SE 11 0 52.135618 -0.44622
MK40 3SF 22 0 52.135451 -0.447622
MK40 3SG 35 0 52.136585 -0.449314
MK40 3SH 27 0 52.139438 -0.450208
MK40 3SJ 26 0 52.139586 -0.449896
MK40 3SL 10 0 52.137461 -0.452381
MK40 3SN 10 1 52.137567 -0.45153
MK40 3SP 6 0 52.137761 -0.449886