all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 1HJ 29 3 52.136452 -0.471499
MK40 1HP 22 5 52.13646 -0.472127
MK40 1HS 16 1 52.136559 -0.473272
MK40 1HT 18 2 52.137228 -0.474483
MK40 1HU 47 1 52.136688 -0.473756
MK40 1HZ 5 1 52.136005 -0.474255
MK40 1JA 117 3 52.13631 -0.475128
MK40 1JB 24 2 52.136893 -0.475692
MK40 1JD 3 2 52.137803 -0.474448
MK40 1JE 15 5 52.139049 -0.473514
MK40 1JF 12 3 52.138909 -0.474484
MK40 1JH 45 0 52.138818 -0.475758
MK40 1JJ 36 0 52.138473 -0.473432
MK40 1JL 32 0 52.138473 -0.473432
MK40 1JN 36 0 52.138545 -0.474189
MK40 1JP 36 0 52.13814 -0.472756
MK40 1JR 32 0 52.13814 -0.472756
MK40 1JW 32 0 52.138545 -0.474189
MK40 1JX 30 0 52.138742 -0.48105
MK40 1LA 14 7 52.137554 -0.46848