all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 1LB 3 2 52.137505 -0.468833
MK40 1LD 33 7 52.137866 -0.467996
MK40 1LE 1 1 52.136146 -0.468017
MK40 1LJ 17 11 52.13733 -0.470621
MK40 1LN 13 9 52.13791 -0.470011
MK40 1LQ 13 8 52.137484 -0.469272
MK40 1LR 15 10 52.137044 -0.47142
MK40 1LT 1 1 52.137662 -0.470998
MK40 1LX 11 5 52.137909 -0.471297
MK40 1LY 1 1 52.138139 -0.467817
MK40 1NE 39 11 52.137671 -0.466401
MK40 1NH 7 3 52.137829 -0.467448
MK40 1NJ 1 1 52.13802 -0.466258
MK40 1NN 32 17 52.137958 -0.467005
MK40 1NP 1 1 52.137592 -0.469268
MK40 1NS 18 11 52.13741 -0.467471
MK40 1NT 5 2 52.137273 -0.466927
MK40 1NU 8 6 52.138456 -0.466594
MK40 1PE 2 1 52.136692 -0.46824
MK40 1PF 1 1 52.135958 -0.468111