all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 1RH 1 1 52.13608 -0.470606
MK40 1RN 42 4 52.135186 -0.465896
MK40 1RW 1 1 52.134987 -0.46531
MK40 1RY 17 9 52.135878 -0.466098
MK40 1RZ 28 6 52.136491 -0.466237
MK40 1SB 1 1 52.136267 -0.466961
MK40 1SL 11 4 52.135898 -0.466959
MK40 1SP 7 6 52.136164 -0.466672
MK40 1SQ 17 6 52.135071 -0.466958
MK40 1SU 7 4 52.136761 -0.467646
MK40 1SX 1 1 52.136464 -0.468255
MK40 1SY 10 8 52.13714 -0.467436
MK40 1TE 9 0 52.133706 -0.4719
MK40 1TF 50 0 52.13334 -0.472847
MK40 1TG 1 1 52.136485 -0.469248
MK40 1TH 52 0 52.134011 -0.47186
MK40 1TJ 3 2 52.136151 -0.469516
MK40 1TN 1 1 52.136237 -0.468789
MK40 1TP 15 13 52.136133 -0.469516
MK40 1TS 1 1 52.135677 -0.469275