all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 1TT 7 0 52.133624 -0.472575
MK40 1TU 49 0 52.134358 -0.472272
MK40 1UH 12 7 52.135649 -0.469905
MK40 1WB 1 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1WG 1 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1XJ 1 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1XL 1 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1XN 1 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1YD 1 0 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1YN 1 1 52.137365 -0.466397
MK40 1YW 1 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1ZG 1 0 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1ZJ 1 1 52.134428 -0.475586
MK40 1ZL 1 1 52.137974 -0.469635
MK40 1DP 1 52.133439 -0.474904
MK40 1AN 6 0 52.13541 -0.466026
MK40 1AQ 0 52.138314 -0.480656
MK40 1FB 0 52.13852 -0.477755
MK40 1FD 0 52.13852 -0.477755
MK40 1AH 2 1 52.137866 -0.469355