all postcodes in MK42 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK42 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK42 7BD 0 52.117127 -0.507096
MK42 7BE 0 52.116201 -0.507142
MK42 7BG 0 52.11574 -0.506223
MK42 7BH 0 52.115841 -0.509228
MK42 7BJ 0 52.115151 -0.507966
MK42 7BL 0 52.115466 -0.507269
MK42 7BN 2 52.114626 -0.507691
MK42 7BP 0 52.114325 -0.505934
MK42 7BS 3 52.115212 -0.503597
MK42 7BT 8 52.115682 -0.501609
MK42 7BU 6 52.107866 -0.497228
MK42 7BX 0 52.116174 -0.501403
MK42 7BY 5 52.106882 -0.498327
MK42 7BZ 5 52.106816 -0.497365
MK42 7DA 0 52.113341 -0.511759
MK42 7DB 0 52.113836 -0.508535
MK42 7DD 0 52.113769 -0.507501
MK42 7DE 0 52.113143 -0.507755
MK42 7DF 0 52.113213 -0.509053
MK42 7DG 0 52.112478 -0.510596