all postcodes in MK42 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK42 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK42 7DH 0 52.111167 -0.512903
MK42 7DJ 0 52.111184 -0.514217
MK42 7DL 0 52.111751 -0.513599
MK42 7DN 0 52.1101 -0.513099
MK42 7DP 0 52.11133 -0.509451
MK42 7DQ 0 52.111251 -0.511747
MK42 7DR 0 52.111659 -0.509595
MK42 7DS 0 52.112546 -0.507483
MK42 7DT 0 52.11201 -0.509896
MK42 7DU 0 52.112221 -0.510181
MK42 7DW 0 52.110392 -0.512038
MK42 7DX 0 52.113386 -0.506374
MK42 7DY 0 52.113089 -0.504924
MK42 7DZ 0 52.113195 -0.504073
MK42 7EA 0 52.114256 -0.504082
MK42 7EB 3 52.109085 -0.510344
MK42 7ED 0 52.112745 -0.506834
MK42 7EE 7 52.107638 -0.496973
MK42 7EF 6 52.108166 -0.494662
MK42 7EG 0 52.114803 -0.503245