all postcodes in MK44 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK44 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK44 3TE 4 0 52.118167 -0.413876
MK44 3TF 2 0 52.113565 -0.413784
MK44 3TH 55 2 52.125474 -0.389162
MK44 3TJ 56 0 52.127709 -0.390864
MK44 3TL 18 0 52.128156 -0.389358
MK44 3TN 31 0 52.12962 -0.388545
MK44 3TP 12 4 52.13568 -0.39095
MK44 3TR 6 0 52.130913 -0.392787
MK44 3TS 1 0 52.133337 -0.400444
MK44 3TT 43 0 52.123482 -0.392097
MK44 3TU 38 4 52.122271 -0.388986
MK44 3TW 14 0 52.129051 -0.38972
MK44 3TX 1 0 52.121493 -0.386647
MK44 3TY 19 0 52.117595 -0.387665
MK44 3TZ 3 2 52.106242 -0.382386
MK44 3UA 10 0 52.118833 -0.382858
MK44 3UB 3 0 52.113012 -0.370159
MK44 3UD 2 0 52.103795 -0.36342
MK44 3UE 28 0 52.120259 -0.387861
MK44 3UG 1 1 52.198915 -0.306293