all postcodes in MK44 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK44 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK44 3SB 1 1 52.129557 -0.411719
MK44 3SD 4 1 52.132838 -0.417066
MK44 3SE 2 0 52.120817 -0.404835
MK44 3SF 12 0 52.118508 -0.411819
MK44 3SH 25 1 52.11908 -0.408264
MK44 3SG 1 1 52.127771 -0.42271
MK44 3SJ 3 1 52.120942 -0.404327
MK44 3SL 15 0 52.118404 -0.40877
MK44 3SN 1 0 52.117135 -0.412073
MK44 3SP 6 1 52.117997 -0.413283
MK44 3SR 5 0 52.11916 -0.414235
MK44 3SS 6 0 52.119861 -0.416182
MK44 3ST 13 1 52.118826 -0.421207
MK44 3SU 7 0 52.11771 -0.414667
MK44 3SW 7 0 52.12003 -0.403366
MK44 3SX 15 0 52.116748 -0.414
MK44 3SY 1 0 52.114001 -0.41769
MK44 3SZ 5 0 52.11344 -0.413445
MK44 3TA 1 0 52.091612 -0.383857
MK44 3TD 1 0 52.102632 -0.405389