all postcodes in MK44 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK44 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK44 3NP 4 0 52.146174 -0.317809
MK44 3NQ 6 0 52.146893 -0.317768
MK44 3NR 16 0 52.150418 -0.317152
MK44 3NS 18 0 52.153497 -0.316591
MK44 3NT 24 1 52.156484 -0.318598
MK44 3NU 3 0 52.151293 -0.315285
MK44 3NW 8 0 52.15063 -0.315624
MK44 3NX 31 1 52.143404 -0.321523
MK44 3NY 36 0 52.14496 -0.322853
MK44 3NZ 23 0 52.145993 -0.321945
MK44 3PA 1 0 52.144757 -0.31871
MK44 3PB 23 0 52.146143 -0.32066
MK44 3PD 13 0 52.13887 -0.320759
MK44 3PG 1 1 52.139574 -0.398488
MK44 3PH 7 2 52.137968 -0.319288
MK44 3PL 18 0 52.146844 -0.314963
MK44 3PN 19 0 52.141605 -0.322775
MK44 3PP 26 2 52.133218 -0.375573
MK44 3PR 17 1 52.132378 -0.379855
MK44 3PS 7 0 52.133768 -0.375012