all postcodes in MK44 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK44 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK44 3PT 4 0 52.134656 -0.379421
MK44 3PU 27 0 52.136392 -0.382778
MK44 3PW 3 0 52.159219 -0.352741
MK44 3PX 11 1 52.135966 -0.386417
MK44 3PY 14 0 52.137233 -0.380453
MK44 3QA 6 0 52.136806 -0.378174
MK44 3QB 14 0 52.136859 -0.379415
MK44 3QD 21 1 52.137456 -0.37707
MK44 3QG 35 0 52.138539 -0.373494
MK44 3QH 35 3 52.136977 -0.374296
MK44 3QJ 15 0 52.136456 -0.373
MK44 3QL 26 0 52.135134 -0.373676
MK44 3QN 5 0 52.13447 -0.373759
MK44 3QP 18 1 52.13508 -0.371077
MK44 3QQ 13 0 52.138235 -0.372248
MK44 3QR 6 1 52.139581 -0.366208
MK44 3QS 10 1 52.132801 -0.366821
MK44 3QT 6 0 52.133297 -0.371296
MK44 3QU 3 0 52.126504 -0.361412
MK44 3QW 16 0 52.13439 -0.374507