all postcodes in MK6 / MILTON KEYNES

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK6 2XP 5 0 52.032672 -0.760793
MK6 2XQ 12 0 52.030628 -0.761287
MK6 2XR 7 0 52.032969 -0.760829
MK6 2XS 21 0 52.032321 -0.761547
MK6 2XT 7 0 52.032196 -0.760821
MK6 2XU 9 0 52.032806 -0.761548
MK6 2XW 11 0 52.030956 -0.76259
MK6 2YA 4 4 52.030275 -0.761997
MK6 2YT 1 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK6 2ZD 1 0 52.030558 -0.689979
MK6 2AR 0 52.029804 -0.751427
MK6 2LB 2 2 52.035247 -0.750745
MK6 3AA 6 0 52.016883 -0.721972
MK6 3AB 4 0 52.019644 -0.718745
MK6 3AD 28 1 52.017801 -0.715446
MK6 3AE 12 0 52.017539 -0.716153
MK6 3AF 4 0 52.016147 -0.716215
MK6 3AG 1 1 52.012503 -0.714476
MK6 3AH 4 1 52.016223 -0.717502
MK6 3AJ 6 0 52.015043 -0.718177