all postcodes in MK6 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK6 3AL 31 1 52.014446 -0.716125
MK6 3AN 3 0 52.012787 -0.715735
MK6 3AP 1 0 52.022277 -0.720302
MK6 3AQ 39 0 52.016685 -0.717037
MK6 3AR 7 0 52.022742 -0.721688
MK6 3AS 10 0 52.023094 -0.721853
MK6 3AT 5 0 52.022381 -0.72078
MK6 3AU 7 0 52.02245 -0.721317
MK6 3AW 2 0 52.020413 -0.718221
MK6 3AX 19 0 52.01546 -0.716008
MK6 3AY 40 0 52.018495 -0.71563
MK6 3AZ 1 1 52.017096 -0.720057
MK6 3BA 1 0 52.027165 -0.721591
MK6 3BB 11 0 52.027519 -0.72196
MK6 3BD 8 0 52.028092 -0.72174
MK6 3BE 24 0 52.028783 -0.727361
MK6 3BF 13 0 52.015824 -0.718825
MK6 3BH 15 0 52.024471 -0.722761
MK6 3BJ 9 0 52.024893 -0.72186
MK6 3BL 9 0 52.024928 -0.720999