all postcodes in MK6 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK6 2JE 8 0 52.033094 -0.746219
MK6 2JF 10 0 52.032799 -0.746387
MK6 2JG 6 0 52.033099 -0.745854
MK6 2JH 6 0 52.033722 -0.746099
MK6 2JJ 10 0 52.033345 -0.746999
MK6 2JL 10 0 52.033763 -0.747454
MK6 2JN 6 0 52.034017 -0.746849
MK6 2JP 6 0 52.034181 -0.747836
MK6 2JQ 8 0 52.033445 -0.746267
MK6 2JR 18 0 52.034632 -0.748012
MK6 2JS 32 0 52.033525 -0.758131
MK6 2JT 4 0 52.033389 -0.745205
MK6 2JU 18 0 52.033557 -0.758568
MK6 2JW 8 0 52.034049 -0.7473
MK6 2JX 18 0 52.034059 -0.757592
MK6 2JY 25 0 52.033719 -0.757689
MK6 2JZ 15 0 52.034268 -0.756915
MK6 2LA 2 2 52.036685 -0.746375
MK6 2LD 62 0 52.035359 -0.74531
MK6 2LH 19 0 52.035027 -0.747068