all postcodes in MK6 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK6 2NN 4 0 52.031127 -0.754116
MK6 2NP 6 0 52.031362 -0.755043
MK6 2NQ 13 0 52.030873 -0.755566
MK6 2NR 12 0 52.030328 -0.753322
MK6 2NS 8 0 52.030574 -0.755371
MK6 2NT 8 0 52.030144 -0.756315
MK6 2NU 15 0 52.029685 -0.756343
MK6 2NW 10 0 52.031294 -0.75452
MK6 2NX 17 0 52.030414 -0.754632
MK6 2NY 12 0 52.03003 -0.755765
MK6 2NZ 12 0 52.03016 -0.755309
MK6 2PA 10 0 52.034732 -0.759104
MK6 2PB 6 0 52.034705 -0.758274
MK6 2PD 6 0 52.035099 -0.757271
MK6 2PE 10 0 52.035215 -0.75807
MK6 2PF 10 0 52.035636 -0.757096
MK6 2PG 16 0 52.035503 -0.755482
MK6 2PH 6 0 52.035573 -0.756165
MK6 2PJ 14 0 52.03511 -0.75663
MK6 2PL 10 0 52.034645 -0.757692