all postcodes in MK7 / MILTON KEYNES

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK7 8HH 0 52.009767 -0.697012
MK7 8HJ 0 52.008309 -0.696049
MK7 8HL 0 52.008197 -0.698922
MK7 8HN 0 52.007164 -0.698253
MK7 8HP 2 52.011012 -0.707839
MK7 8HQ 0 52.008986 -0.697093
MK7 8HR 0 52.018206 -0.677144
MK7 8HS 0 52.007852 -0.698626
MK7 8HT 1 52.014494 -0.68223
MK7 8HX 4 52.011109 -0.689877
MK7 8HY 1 52.011387 -0.689038
MK7 8HZ 0 52.007627 -0.698633
MK7 8JH 0 52.008886 -0.700315
MK7 8JT 1 52.00275 -0.702343
MK7 8JU 1 52.003329 -0.702676
MK7 8LA 0 52.005689 -0.697349
MK7 8LB 0 52.00563 -0.698559
MK7 8LE 7 52.003156 -0.700781
MK7 8LF 4 52.003703 -0.699789
MK7 8LG 0 52.003146 -0.700802