all postcodes in MK7 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK7 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK7 8QU 2 52.014932 -0.678778
MK7 8QW 0 52.013175 -0.678298
MK7 8RA 0 52.013481 -0.676067
MK7 8RB 0 52.013952 -0.6748
MK7 8RD 0 52.01483 -0.673739
MK7 8RE 1 52.014606 -0.676223
MK7 8RF 0 52.015496 -0.675381
MK7 8RG 0 52.016103 -0.674182
MK7 8TG 0 52.008628 -0.699682
MK7 8PX 0 52.015402 -0.680629
MK7 8NL 12 52.005128 -0.700199
MK7 8BH 1 52.006235 -0.700436
MK7 8FD 1 52.006137 -0.700468
MK7 8FE 0 52.006476 -0.701886
MK7 8LQ 1 1 52.003138 -0.701568