all postcodes in MK8 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK8 0BJ 0 52.026555 -0.80482
MK8 0BL 0 52.025974 -0.804267
MK8 0BP 0 52.025446 -0.805404
MK8 0BS 0 52.024977 -0.805285
MK8 0BT 0 52.024907 -0.804602
MK8 0BU 0 52.02474 -0.804096
MK8 0BX 0 52.026691 -0.80059
MK8 0BY 0 52.026209 -0.79916
MK8 0BZ 0 52.026313 -0.804851
MK8 0DA 0 52.024208 -0.804781
MK8 0DB 0 52.023224 -0.803554
MK8 0DD 0 52.023353 -0.802107
MK8 0DE 1 52.047583 -0.828772
MK8 0DG 0 52.026172 -0.806988
MK8 0DH 0 52.024374 -0.800812
MK8 0DJ 0 52.024454 -0.80253
MK8 0DL 0 52.024623 -0.80321
MK8 0DP 0 52.024069 -0.800849
MK8 0DQ 0 52.025715 -0.807116
MK8 0DR 0 52.026744 -0.80757