all postcodes in MK8 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK8 0AB 14 52.029769 -0.799832
MK8 0AD 24 52.030986 -0.798521
MK8 0AE 1 52.031738 -0.799915
MK8 0AH 1 52.031879 -0.804095
MK8 0AJ 20 52.027415 -0.800133
MK8 0AN 1 52.029413 -0.798534
MK8 0AP 0 52.025335 -0.798843
MK8 0AR 0 52.025732 -0.801679
MK8 0AS 2 52.026486 -0.802475
MK8 0AT 1 52.026961 -0.801472
MK8 0AU 0 52.025155 -0.800675
MK8 0AW 1 52.030249 -0.799309
MK8 0AZ 0 52.025356 -0.801923
MK8 0BA 0 52.025576 -0.803199
MK8 0BB 0 52.02573 -0.803326
MK8 0BD 0 52.024853 -0.800216
MK8 0BE 0 52.02623 -0.801156
MK8 0BF 0 52.024915 -0.806171
MK8 0BG 0 52.024564 -0.803591
MK8 0BH 0 52.026306 -0.804215