all postcodes in MK9 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK9 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK9 2EB 2 52.03869 -0.75998
MK9 2EH 1 52.039211 -0.760992
MK9 2ES 4 52.041041 -0.761451
MK9 2EZ 1 52.030558 -0.689979
MK9 2HP 13 52.03937 -0.76486
MK9 2HQ 1 52.039339 -0.759443
MK9 2HR 9 52.039833 -0.764351
MK9 2JA 1 52.03748 -0.758794
MK9 2JH 4 52.037103 -0.760388
MK9 2LA 1 52.037993 -0.758022
MK9 2LD 1 52.042073 -0.762939
MK9 2LY 1 52.040728 -0.763341
MK9 2NL 1 52.04242 -0.764965
MK9 2NR 1 52.042156 -0.76471
MK9 2NW 1 52.038679 -0.759986
MK9 2PG 0 52.036621 -0.759256
MK9 2PQ 1 52.036902 -0.760117
MK9 2PR 0 52.036658 -0.760007
MK9 2PS 0 52.036249 -0.759762
MK9 2PT 0 52.036995 -0.758064