all postcodes in MK9 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK9 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK9 2FD 0 52.036358 -0.760554
MK9 2FE 0 52.036067 -0.760271
MK9 2FG 0 52.035829 -0.760715
MK9 2FH 0 52.035627 -0.761172
MK9 2FJ 0 52.035838 -0.761589
MK9 2FL 0 52.036047 -0.761802
MK9 2FN 0 52.036266 -0.762088
MK9 2FP 0 52.036601 -0.762283
MK9 2FQ 0 52.036811 -0.761767
MK9 2FR 4 52.035278 -0.760497
MK9 2FT 0 52.035511 -0.759724
MK9 2FW 2 52.036324 -0.761547
MK9 2FX 1 52.036637 -0.760786
MK9 2FY 4 52.035897 -0.760471
MK9 2FB 8 52.037944 -0.762791
MK9 2FS 2 52.03737 -0.762923
MK9 2GA 10 52.037517 -0.762351
MK9 2FZ 6 4 52.037535 -0.762365
MK9 2XX 1 1 52.037993 -0.758022
MK9 2XZ 1 1 52.037993 -0.758022