all postcodes in ML6 / AIRDRIE

find any address or company within the ML6 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML6 6BE 18 0 55.868305 -3.971417
ML6 6BF 44 0 55.878557 -3.973216
ML6 6BG 5 5 55.866702 -3.978911
ML6 6BH 7 6 55.869184 -3.971276
ML6 6BL 3 1 55.865779 -3.980942
ML6 6BN 25 18 55.86543 -3.98086
ML6 6BQ 50 0 55.868906 -3.973733
ML6 6BS 7 0 55.880305 -3.982993
ML6 6BT 18 0 55.880896 -3.982048
ML6 6BU 16 14 55.865915 -3.979798
ML6 6BW 2 1 55.865376 -3.979755
ML6 6BY 8 0 55.881575 -3.981171
ML6 6DA 48 0 55.882615 -3.980777
ML6 6DB 10 7 55.865882 -3.978454
ML6 6DD 8 5 55.86645 -3.978355
ML6 6DE 36 18 55.866546 -3.975505
ML6 6DF 8 4 55.866789 -3.974025
ML6 6DH 51 4 55.866939 -3.971971
ML6 6DJ 1 1 55.868333 -3.975255
ML6 6DN 4 1 55.865533 -3.972545