all postcodes in ML6 / AIRDRIE

find any address or company within the ML6 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML6 0NY 28 0 55.885377 -4.002216
ML6 0NZ 21 0 55.885413 -4.000555
ML6 0PA 78 1 55.884326 -4.001058
ML6 0PB 9 0 55.893316 -4.004208
ML6 0PD 17 0 55.884024 -3.99866
ML6 0PE 8 1 55.88437 -4.002244
ML6 0PF 34 0 55.886527 -3.998357
ML6 0PG 21 0 55.884719 -4.000103
ML6 0PH 1 0 55.888531 -3.985572
ML6 0PJ 10 1 55.875751 -4.009473
ML6 0PL 7 0 55.883192 -4.022089
ML6 0PN 5 0 55.89599 -4.01599
ML6 0PP 17 2 55.893288 -4.005918
ML6 0PQ 8 1 55.878921 -3.991364
ML6 0PR 1 0 55.898703 -3.992345
ML6 0PS 47 1 55.885743 -3.999612
ML6 0PT 3 0 55.890454 -3.986741
ML6 0PU 34 0 55.888728 -3.99121
ML6 0PW 16 1 55.905837 -4.011765
ML6 0PX 16 0 55.889438 -3.986178