all postcodes in ML6 / AIRDRIE

find any address or company within the ML6 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML6 1AY 1 1 55.866649 -3.979682
ML6 6AA 1 1 55.866653 -3.979692
ML6 6AB 7 7 55.866284 -3.979721
ML6 6AD 1 1 55.866725 -3.98139
ML6 6AE 8 0 55.881342 -3.982758
ML6 6AF 16 13 55.866516 -3.98073
ML6 6AG 1 1 55.86652 -3.98074
ML6 6AH 32 16 55.86716 -3.980038
ML6 6AL 6 1 55.866417 -3.977075
ML6 6AN 17 0 55.878028 -3.981534
ML6 6AP 15 9 55.867951 -3.973067
ML6 6AR 1 1 55.866653 -3.979692
ML6 6AS 23 0 55.86929 -3.972512
ML6 6AW 24 8 55.867035 -3.976659
ML6 6AX 7 0 55.867473 -3.973996
ML6 6AY 7 0 55.878667 -3.981471
ML6 6AZ 34 1 55.867058 -3.973512
ML6 6BA 18 0 55.867793 -3.97251
ML6 6BB 38 0 55.867579 -3.970741
ML6 6BD 10 0 55.86779 -3.971583