all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 9JA 45 0 51.532081 -0.115869
N1 9JB 13 6 51.531705 -0.11188
N1 9JD 2 2 51.531834 -0.112624
N1 9JE 1 1 51.531609 -0.114854
N1 9JF 3 3 51.531941 -0.11328
N1 9JH 2 1 51.532226 -0.114205
N1 9JL 36 1 51.531406 -0.11567
N1 9JP 811 766 51.531369 -0.11685
N1 9JU 37 0 51.53222 -0.116657
N1 9JW 27 0 51.531803 -0.116443
N1 9JX 1 0 51.532232 -0.11011
N1 9JY 50 9 51.531164 -0.120207
N1 9LA 1 1 51.53208 -0.109612
N1 9LG 40 5 51.531294 -0.112225
N1 9LH 13 7 51.533055 -0.106501
N1 9LJ 1 1 51.532687 -0.106545
N1 9LL 9 9 51.532574 -0.109044
N1 9LP 89 0 51.531595 -0.108536
N1 9LQ 30 12 51.532327 -0.106574
N1 9LS 41 0 51.531241 -0.109474