all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 9EF 0 51.533081 -0.12099
N1 9EG 0 51.532906 -0.120611
N1 9EL 0 51.533721 -0.108639
N1 9EN 10 51.533694 -0.108049
N1 9ER 11 51.533387 -0.108736
N1 9ES 3 51.533151 -0.109135
N1 9ET 6 51.533183 -0.109465
N1 9EU 0 51.533157 -0.10951
N1 9EW 7 51.533487 -0.107524
N1 9EX 12 51.53329 -0.109966
N1 9EY 5 51.533244 -0.110977
N1 9EZ 28 51.533542 -0.109984
N1 9GZ 1 51.533097 -0.110795
N1 9HA 2 51.533706 -0.108982
N1 9HF 12 5 51.532182 -0.108166
N1 9HH 2 2 51.532058 -0.107583
N1 9HJ 64 3 51.532056 -0.107609
N1 9HP 15 0 51.532589 -0.109432
N1 9HS 7 7 51.531913 -0.111003
N1 9HW 4 0 51.53158 -0.115991