all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 9LT 24 0 51.531344 -0.10859
N1 9LU 24 0 51.530937 -0.108434
N1 9LX 40 0 51.530712 -0.110116
N1 9LY 39 0 51.530964 -0.111244
N1 9NA 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 9NF 1 0 51.530977 -0.116549
N1 9NG 17 15 51.530925 -0.118184
N1 9NL 5 3 51.530767 -0.120263
N1 9NP 2 0 51.538647 -0.103517
N1 9NR 11 4 51.530998 -0.121768
N1 9NW 1 0 51.530558 -0.121097
N1 9NZ 1 1 51.53111 -0.115304
N1 9PA 1 1 51.534998 -0.119411
N1 9PD 20 18 51.532626 -0.107787
N1 9PF 39 25 51.532935 -0.108567
N1 9PH 18 0 51.532893 -0.1104
N1 9PN 1 0 51.533073 -0.108749
N1 9PP 31 4 51.532863 -0.110058
N1 9PR 47 0 51.532116 -0.110032
N1 9PS 49 3 51.532249 -0.111177