all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 8LS 17 0 51.621877 -0.180686
N12 8LX 7 0 51.613737 -0.177646
N12 8LY 40 31 51.612851 -0.177913
N12 8LZ 83 0 51.61302 -0.17779
N12 8NN 12 0 51.612685 -0.182902
N12 8NP 41 34 51.611914 -0.178976
N12 8NR 6 4 51.611324 -0.179779
N12 8NU 28 1 51.611265 -0.181168
N12 8NW 9 0 51.611326 -0.181429
N12 8NX 9 0 51.611496 -0.181607
N12 8NY 47 0 51.61039 -0.181366
N12 8PA 24 0 51.610177 -0.18293
N12 8PB 19 0 51.611008 -0.184919
N12 8PD 17 0 51.610682 -0.183632
N12 8PE 16 2 51.609823 -0.183869
N12 8PF 10 0 51.610977 -0.184054
N12 8PG 16 0 51.6101 -0.184136
N12 8PH 36 0 51.609235 -0.183647
N12 8PJ 12 0 51.609547 -0.182641
N12 8PL 20 0 51.610245 -0.184415