all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 8PN 12 0 51.60936 -0.182187
N12 8PP 6 0 51.616789 -0.177094
N12 8PQ 6 0 51.610411 -0.183542
N12 8PR 21 8 51.61695 -0.177015
N12 8PT 47 14 51.617777 -0.17704
N12 8PX 1 1 51.617407 -0.177109
N12 8PY 85 0 51.618358 -0.178761
N12 8QA 35 19 51.618912 -0.177746
N12 8QE 33 0 51.619499 -0.178109
N12 8QF 21 0 51.619792 -0.178429
N12 8QG 22 0 51.619532 -0.179075
N12 8QH 24 0 51.622878 -0.177775
N12 8QL 37 0 51.620044 -0.178448
N12 8QN 36 0 51.621351 -0.178656
N12 8QP 23 0 51.620305 -0.17786
N12 8QQ 6 0 51.622622 -0.178273
N12 8QR 58 4 51.620699 -0.176995
N12 8QS 15 0 51.621554 -0.177033
N12 8QT 28 1 51.622044 -0.178108
N12 8QU 44 1 51.622384 -0.178022