all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 8QX 1 1 51.622561 -0.177022
N12 8QY 6 0 51.622384 -0.178571
N12 8QZ 8 0 51.619279 -0.177038
N12 8RB 26 0 51.623275 -0.17786
N12 8RD 8 0 51.623602 -0.179967
N12 8RE 11 0 51.623013 -0.180279
N12 8RF 18 0 51.617423 -0.183406
N12 8RG 17 2 51.623607 -0.179736
N12 8RH 8 0 51.623557 -0.178278
N12 8RJ 16 0 51.617395 -0.182559
N12 8RL 25 0 51.617313 -0.182096
N12 8RP 56 4 51.617574 -0.178392
N12 8RQ 38 0 51.617431 -0.183926
N12 8RR 12 0 51.623594 -0.179292
N12 8RS 13 0 51.617662 -0.180598
N12 8RT 84 0 51.617174 -0.17874
N12 8RU 8 0 51.617273 -0.180484
N12 8RW 29 0 51.619727 -0.181798
N12 8RX 6 0 51.617428 -0.182904
N12 8RY 18 0 51.617812 -0.182365