all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 5AQ 67 0 51.57486 -0.077142
N16 5AR 73 4 51.574925 -0.083878
N16 5AT 14 0 51.574981 -0.082895
N16 5AU 6 0 51.566492 -0.077408
N16 5AW 29 0 51.575046 -0.081896
N16 5AX 29 0 51.574765 -0.085646
N16 5AY 13 0 51.566473 -0.078263
N16 5BA 44 0 51.569969 -0.079945
N16 5BB 52 0 51.569377 -0.078931
N16 5BD 72 0 51.568239 -0.078662
N16 5BE 6 0 51.567091 -0.076647
N16 5BF 10 0 51.573483 -0.075439
N16 5BG 31 1 51.567276 -0.077505
N16 5BH 33 0 51.567008 -0.078165
N16 5BL 1 1 51.566808 -0.079689
N16 5BN 59 0 51.567365 -0.079637
N16 5BP 28 0 51.568119 -0.080081
N16 5BQ 25 1 51.566686 -0.076592
N16 5BS 32 0 51.567343 -0.083259
N16 5BT 23 0 51.567755 -0.08151