all postcodes in N16 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N16 5QS 40 0 51.571337 -0.077824
N16 5QT 20 2 51.571776 -0.076622
N16 5QU 26 0 51.571281 -0.077134
N16 5QW 14 0 51.569177 -0.077151
N16 5QX 27 0 51.57129 -0.076628
N16 5QY 32 0 51.571182 -0.076041
N16 5QZ 29 0 51.571228 -0.075534
N16 5RA 23 0 51.570993 -0.074419
N16 5RB 36 0 51.571297 -0.074262
N16 5RE 43 1 51.571702 -0.074738
N16 5RF 68 0 51.572046 -0.075572
N16 5RG 30 0 51.572366 -0.077492
N16 5RH 16 0 51.5687 -0.076593
N16 5RJ 4 0 51.573201 -0.076865
N16 5RL 89 2 51.572435 -0.075515
N16 5RN 42 5 51.57277 -0.075267
N16 5RP 1 1 51.572234 -0.073298
N16 5RQ 24 0 51.569191 -0.075851
N16 5RS 1 1 51.572631 -0.073397
N16 5RT 47 0 51.573574 -0.076604