all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 3HX 42 0 51.593839 -0.198529
N3 3HY 13 4 51.592896 -0.198837
N3 3JA 10 0 51.592664 -0.198326
N3 3JB 13 0 51.592432 -0.19552
N3 3JD 41 0 51.5921 -0.196789
N3 3JE 6 0 51.592403 -0.1989
N3 3JG 8 2 51.592272 -0.198951
N3 3JH 18 0 51.591086 -0.19924
N3 3JJ 18 0 51.590754 -0.197521
N3 3JL 8 0 51.590496 -0.198311
N3 3JN 1 1 51.590409 -0.199444
N3 3JP 37 0 51.589972 -0.198144
N3 3JS 1 1 51.593603 -0.198621
N3 3JY 10 2 51.598673 -0.197323
N3 3JZ 42 0 51.598222 -0.197832
N3 3LA 16 0 51.597057 -0.198643
N3 3LB 56 0 51.596683 -0.198904
N3 3LD 19 4 51.594944 -0.199033
N3 3LF 41 41 51.595543 -0.199006
N3 3LL 50 0 51.59504 -0.200239