all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 3LN 5 1 51.594368 -0.199241
N3 3LS 6 0 51.595788 -0.20096
N3 3LT 2 1 51.59672 -0.197563
N3 3LU 25 0 51.596388 -0.197284
N3 3LX 77 0 51.595717 -0.197227
N3 3LY 38 0 51.593305 -0.197135
N3 3NA 31 0 51.593341 -0.197696
N3 3NB 25 0 51.594357 -0.197728
N3 3ND 45 0 51.594756 -0.197352
N3 3NE 45 0 51.594528 -0.196523
N3 3NG 18 0 51.59374 -0.196378
N3 3NH 6 0 51.592954 -0.196741
N3 3NJ 17 1 51.593322 -0.195907
N3 3NL 33 0 51.593362 -0.195209
N3 3NN 8 0 51.594215 -0.194875
N3 3NP 25 0 51.59462 -0.194553
N3 3NR 30 1 51.595001 -0.19422
N3 3NS 33 0 51.595493 -0.192887
N3 3NU 12 0 51.594577 -0.193287
N3 3NW 1 1 51.601389 -0.195006