all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 3RR 8 0 51.59723 -0.199965
N3 3RS 6 0 51.596929 -0.200265
N3 3RT 5 0 51.596485 -0.200402
N3 3RU 8 0 51.596385 -0.199421
N3 3RW 6 0 51.596481 -0.199836
N3 3RX 7 0 51.596306 -0.198918
N3 3RY 65 0 51.596024 -0.199897
N3 3RZ 3 0 51.59656 -0.20028
N3 3SA 8 0 51.596072 -0.201025
N3 3SB 18 0 51.596486 -0.201279
N3 3SD 17 0 51.596441 -0.20245
N3 3SE 9 0 51.596131 -0.202809
N3 3SF 72 0 51.595601 -0.204014
N3 3SH 32 0 51.594027 -0.206328
N3 3SJ 13 0 51.594724 -0.206376
N3 3SL 41 0 51.59599 -0.204764
N3 3SN 27 0 51.596383 -0.206686
N3 3SP 12 0 51.596181 -0.205207
N3 3SQ 1 1 51.595678 -0.205527
N3 3SR 4 0 51.596531 -0.207561