all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 1FN 0 51.573412 -0.094246
N4 1FS 4 51.573031 -0.090163
N4 1JU 0 51.573275 -0.089691
N4 1FR 66 0 51.57273 -0.094332
N4 1FP 94 0 51.572965 -0.093803
N4 1FQ 27 0 51.576166 -0.089776
N4 2AA 21 12 51.564829 -0.103954
N4 2AB 1 1 51.564844 -0.103795
N4 2AD 98 0 51.560673 -0.106104
N4 2AE 63 0 51.560514 -0.105735
N4 2AG 20 3 51.565251 -0.103175
N4 2AL 1 1 51.56593 -0.106968
N4 2AP 3 3 51.565807 -0.102125
N4 2AQ 1 1 51.565214 -0.103275
N4 2AR 59 1 51.565184 -0.100895
N4 2AS 5 0 51.565952 -0.100575
N4 2AT 97 1 51.566648 -0.099637
N4 2AU 4 0 51.560842 -0.099131
N4 2AX 34 0 51.568056 -0.097774
N4 2AY 14 1 51.567873 -0.097395