all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 1SY 8 2 51.57319 -0.091051
N4 1TF 10 0 51.577134 -0.088072
N4 1TG 8 4 51.57553 -0.091213
N4 1TJ 30 27 51.575075 -0.090139
N4 1FL 1 1 51.575076 -0.090225
N4 1TL 1 1 51.577313 -0.099134
N4 1TR 6 0 51.57756 -0.104348
N4 1UD 22 0 51.576082 -0.093629
N4 1UH 47 0 51.577067 -0.093934
N4 1UJ 1 1 51.577289 -0.095411
N4 1UP 12 5 51.576513 -0.087899
N4 1UW 5 0 51.577373 -0.093921
N4 1WZ 1 0 51.560816 -0.131288
N4 1LS 0 51.575667 -0.092827
N4 1LT 7 0 51.575607 -0.094832
N4 1TZ 0 51.575991 -0.103392
N4 1BF 0 51.57601 -0.095855
N4 1ED 12 12 51.576277 -0.097344
N4 1FG 0 51.575295 -0.091685
N4 1FJ 0 51.575677 -0.087541