all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 1RN 36 0 51.579826 -0.104947
N4 1RP 35 0 51.578692 -0.102627
N4 1RQ 26 3 51.578336 -0.104532
N4 1RR 27 0 51.578846 -0.100456
N4 1RS 33 1 51.578574 -0.100337
N4 1RT 45 1 51.578411 -0.102494
N4 1RU 51 6 51.576986 -0.103925
N4 1RW 25 0 51.578691 -0.104229
N4 1RX 8 0 51.577252 -0.103668
N4 1RY 39 0 51.577353 -0.102134
N4 1RZ 31 0 51.577501 -0.100136
N4 1SA 35 0 51.577248 -0.10006
N4 1SB 56 1 51.577088 -0.10242
N4 1SD 21 0 51.576452 -0.102562
N4 1SE 6 0 51.576729 -0.103041
N4 1SF 6 0 51.576318 -0.103552
N4 1SG 6 0 51.576627 -0.103406
N4 1SH 10 0 51.571868 -0.095508
N4 1SN 63 2 51.572633 -0.09334
N4 1SQ 21 0 51.576178 -0.103973