all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 2RY 36 0 51.572753 -0.087967
N4 2RZ 30 0 51.572653 -0.088491
N4 2SA 36 0 51.572653 -0.088491
N4 2SB 4 2 51.571435 -0.08935
N4 2SG 28 1 51.57271 -0.08921
N4 2SH 1 1 51.5712 -0.090933
N4 2SJ 12 0 51.560835 -0.092781
N4 2SN 50 2 51.564616 -0.101337
N4 2SP 114 0 51.563195 -0.099102
N4 2SQ 25 0 51.572285 -0.089646
N4 2SR 98 0 51.562969 -0.099447
N4 2SS 12 1 51.562501 -0.097342
N4 2SU 17 2 51.561716 -0.097565
N4 2SW 48 0 51.564721 -0.102086
N4 2SX 44 0 51.561704 -0.096816
N4 2SY 13 0 51.561594 -0.095764
N4 2SZ 62 0 51.561349 -0.093971
N4 2TA 12 0 51.560674 -0.092254
N4 2TB 7 0 51.560654 -0.092125
N4 2TG 7 2 51.570712 -0.094647