all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 2BL 23 1 51.570972 -0.090163
N4 2BP 46 0 51.570394 -0.090563
N4 2BY 33 0 51.570607 -0.090943
N4 2HF 45 1 51.570535 -0.091523
N4 2EQ 40 0 51.570535 -0.091523
N4 2PH 0 51.562277 -0.096861
N4 2DU 0 51.568922 -0.097363
N4 2QL 23 0 51.570288 -0.095112
N4 2LP 4 0 51.570305 -0.095025
N4 2NE 100 0 51.571308 -0.089803
N4 2NP 1 51.568795 -0.092739
N4 2AH 0 51.566203 -0.101603
N4 2ER 0 51.566352 -0.101395
N4 2HG 0 51.566501 -0.101143
N4 2LB 0 51.566061 -0.101176
N4 2NG 0 51.566245 -0.100909
N4 2DB 0 51.565873 -0.101213
N4 2AN 0 51.565841 -0.100897
N4 2BS 0 51.571308 -0.089803
N4 2LD 40 0 51.570283 -0.093713