all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 2XN 35 0 51.563074 -0.092788
N4 2XP 12 0 51.563548 -0.093031
N4 2XR 14 0 51.56285 -0.09613
N4 2YA 2 0 51.561186 -0.099809
N4 2YG 40 0 51.562351 -0.0953
N4 2XU 0 51.562664 -0.095777
N4 2XX 0 51.562835 -0.095208
N4 2YD 0 51.56249 -0.095583
N4 2UP 0 51.560816 -0.131288
N4 2JG 20 1 51.567774 -0.093702
N4 2JH 16 0 51.567751 -0.093386
N4 2EP 0 51.569151 -0.097628
N4 2BJ 20 0 51.569336 -0.097418
N4 2TF 0 51.560837 -0.131246
N4 2XS 1 51.562848 -0.094763
N4 2RH 1 0 51.573204 -0.084069
N4 2LY 2 0 51.571308 -0.089803
N4 2LZ 4 2 51.571308 -0.089803
N4 2BA 65 0 51.570833 -0.089375
N4 2AJ 75 0 51.570637 -0.090018