all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N4 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 2JP 30 0 51.570502 -0.093863
N4 2NZ 19 0 51.570756 -0.094011
N4 2GY 43 0 51.570838 -0.093545
N4 2GZ 39 0 51.570383 -0.093218
N4 2NF 4 0 51.570663 -0.093841
N4 2QF 5 0 51.570229 -0.093715
N4 2GJ 76 0 51.571674 -0.089473
N4 2GL 63 0 51.571674 -0.089473
N4 2GN 46 0 51.571419 -0.089282
N4 2GP 42 0 51.571579 -0.08881
N4 2GR 64 0 51.571579 -0.08881
N4 2GS 95 0 51.571823 -0.088324
N4 2GT 1 0 51.573072 -0.085331
N4 2BX 2 0 51.573394 -0.084696
N4 2JB 9 0 51.564831 -0.1011
N4 2GA 0 51.567377 -0.093448
N4 2GE 0 51.567125 -0.09343
N4 2GH 0 51.57182 -0.089048
N4 2AF 0 51.561611 -0.099039
N4 2GB 0 51.570935 -0.092708